June 22nd 2020

Hello everyone 

I cannot believe this is the week we get our summer holidays! 

I have really enjoyed having you all in class this year. We had great fun. Well done to everyone for all your hard work the last few months.

Have a lovely summer. I look forward to seeing you all in September. 

Ms Tansey

work for week 22nd-25th June (Word Document)

Boggle (PDF File)

Science-design-and-make-cards (PDF File)

3rd class answers (Word Document)

4th class maths answers (Word Document)

5th class answers maths (Word Document)



June 15th 2020

Hello everyone

I hope you are all well. It is hard to believe it is week 3 in June already.


Please find attached work for the week 15th-19th June.  These are just suggestions.

Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.   Please email me some of your work that you are really happy with this week. I would love to see it. Thanks to those who sent me work last week. 


Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ms Tansey 


work for week 15th-19th June  (Word Document)

3rd class maths answers  (Word Document)

4th class maths answers   (Word Document)

5th class maths answers   (Word Document)

Funny Riddles for Kids   (Word Document)




June 8th 2020

Hello everyone

I hope you are all well and getting plenty of fresh air. Please find attached work for the week 8th-12th June.  These are just suggestions. Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.   Please email me some of your work that you are really happy with this week. I would love to see it.


Looking forward to hearing from you this week.

Ms Tansey 


work for 8th-12th June (Word Document)

the diary of a killer cat 3rd class (Word Document)

4th class comprehension monster (Word Document)

sudoku (PDF File)

Sudoku 2 (PDF File)

3rd class capacity answers (Word Document)

4th class capacity answers (Word Document)

5th class capacity answers (Word Document)

Sport-star-fact-file-writing-template (PDF File)

name the county answers (Word Document)

Greece-fact-file-writing-template(PDF File)

Poland-fact-file-writing-template (PDF File)




Hello everyone

We had such nice weather this week. I hope you all got to go out and enjoy it.

I hope you all managed to get some sunflowers. I can’t wait to see them grow.

Please find attached work for the week Tuesday 2nd June- Friday 5th June. These are just suggestions.

Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.

As weather is so nice lately I am sending less work, just the core subjects.  (Irish, English and Maths).

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Ms Tansey


work for 2nd-5th June   (Word Document)

3rd class Area answers  (Word Document)

4th class Area answers   (Word Document)

5th class Area answers   (Word Document)



25th May 2020

Hello everyone

I hope you are keeping well. We have had a few windy days that made
playing outside and going for walks hard but let’s hope this week will be nicer. Please find attached some work for the week 25 th -29 th May. These are just suggestions. Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ms Tansey



work for 25th-29th May(Word Document)

Body Idioms Meaning Cards – Set 1 (PDF File)

Body Idioms Meaning Cards – Set 3 (PDF File)

Body Idioms Meaning Cards – Set 2 (PDF File)

Old-Recipe-Riddle-Weight-Activity-Sheet (PDF File)

grams and kilograms (PDF File)

converting_g_and_kg(Word Document)

5th class weight answers(Word Document)

3rd class weight answers(Word Document)

4th class weight answers  (Word Document)

Spain-fact-file-writing-template (PDF File)

France-fact-file-writing-template (PDF File)




18th May 2020

Hello everyone I hope you are keeping well.

Please find attached some work for the week 18th-22nd May. These are just suggestions. Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Ms Tansey


work for week 18th-22nd May   (Word Document)

Decimal answers 3rd class  (Word Document)

counties of Ireland crests  (PDF File)

percentages-decimals-and-fractions-number-line-tenths-display-poster (PDF File)

lakes of ireland  (PDF File)

design your own GAA jersey  (PDF File)





Hello everyone. I hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine.

Please find attached some work for the week 11th-15th May.

These are just suggestions. Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.

I was delighted to receive some pictures from you to see that you are working hard doing school work, making junk art, baking, gardening, farming, working on the bog and going on walks.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ms Tansey

Just a reminder Could you please keep your child’s library book safe (Kensuke’s Kingdom) as it will have to be returned Roscommon library when we return to school. Thank you


3rd and 4th class work 11th-15th May (Word Document)

4th class follow the rules  (Word Document)

Horrid Henry 3rd class   (Word Document)

Building Idioms   (PDF File)


Rivers-of-ireland-map-activity-sheet  (PDF File)

Mountains-of-ireland-map-activity-sheet   (PDF File)

Italy-fact-file-writing-template  (PDF File)


multiplying and dividing length   (Word Document)

length subtraction example (Word Document)

subtraction sample (Word Document)

Italy fact file  (PDF File)




May4th 2020

Hello everyone.

I hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine. Please find attached some work for the week 5th-8th May. These are just suggestions. There are lots of ways to learn and some of you might be baking, gardening, farming, footing turf, cleaning and helping out at home … this is all learning too!  Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ms Tansey



Work for week beginning 4th-8th May       (Word Document)

3D shapes and their nets matching game   (Powerpoint)

3D-Shapes-Properties-with-Examples-Display-Poster         (PDF File)

3D-Shapes-Properties-Display-Poster         (PDF File)

Colour-by-Number-Counties-of-Ireland-Worksheet         (PDF File)

countries of Europe         (PDF File)

Mr Stink 3rd class reading comprehension         (PDF File)

Matilda 4th class         (PDF File)

animal idioms set 3         (PDF File)

animal idioms set 2         (PDF File)

animal idioms set 1          (PDF File)




Hello everyone.

I hope you are all well and are enjoying the sunshine.

Please find attached some work for the week April 27th– May 1st . These are just suggestions. Do what you can and please don’t hesitate to send me an email if you have any questions.  I would be happy to help you or to hear what you have been up to.

Thank you to everyone who sent in pictures of work last week.  It was lovely to hear from you.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Ms Tansey


Week beginning 27th April-1st May 3rd and 4th class    (Word Document)

Time Idioms      (PDF File)




Hi everyone

I hope you are all keeping well. I miss you all but fingers crossed we will see each other soon.

In the meantime, I hope you are all reading lots, getting fresh air and helping out at home.

Here is some work to keep you busy. Try your best and don’t worry if something is a little tricky I will help you with that soon.

If you want to contact directly please email me on Tanya.tansey3@gmail.com

Take care,

Ms. Tansey.


Week_beginning_20th_April_3rd_and_4th_class  (Opens as a Word Document)

Data_Birthday_bar_line_chart     (PDF File)

Data_smartie_activity   (PDF File)

Food_Idioms_Meaning_Cards_-_Set 1  (PDF File)

Food_Idioms_Meaning_Cards_-_Set_2  (PDF File)

Food_Idioms_Meaning_Cards_-_Set_3  (PDF File)




Hi all,


Hope you are enjoying your Easter holidays. Only a few days before we can eat our Easter Eggs.

I hope that you were able to do some of the work I suggested. Thanks to all who got in touch.

Here is a great invention from Sophie that would really change the world!.

Here is what Jim made from old decking timber for Junk art.


Well done.


Take care everybody,


Ms Tansey.



Hello all,

I hope you are doing well and not missing school too much.

I have prepared some work for our class. Please do what you are able to . Always do your best. Don’t worry if you can’t get everything done or some parts are a little difficult.

If you want to send on some pictures/samples of the children’s great work I would be delighted to see them.

If you have any questions or if I can be of any assistance please contact me at cootehallns@gmail.com

Take care

Ms. Tansey.

Work for 3rd and 4th (Opens as a word document)





St.Brigid’s Day

We put our rushes to good use in 3rd and 4th class to make these impressive St. Brigid’s Day crosses.


We had so much fun learning about electricity and making electrical circuits.  Next week we hope to make our very own lighthouses!