

Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 22nd June 2020 (Word Document)

At-the-beach-oral-language-activity-sheet (PDF File)

sand-waves-and-ice-cream-spot-the-difference-activity (PDF File)

Seaside Crack the Code Addition to 10 (PDF File)

What-lives-at-the-beach (Powerpoint Presentation)

Summer-themed-maths-activity-pack (PDF File)

I-Spy-With-My-Little-Eye-Activity (PDF File)

Exploring-my-world-sand-waves-and-ice-cream-story (Powerpoint Presentation)



Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020

Hello Everybody! (Work for this week June 15th below video)


Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all keeping well. I have prepared some work for the coming week. Thank you again for all the emails and pictures you have sent me. I’m so proud of everything you are doing! Everybody has made such a great effort! If you have any work you are proud of, school work or perhaps a picture or lego you have built, take a picture and send it to me! I’d love to see it! If there is anything you need help with or any questions you would like to ask, please send me an email! Keep up the great work!

Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.



Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics



Reading Zone Activity Book

Pre Reading Activity Book

Just Phonics : 


Pg 76- Read and colour the correct sign for each picture.

Pg 77- Unscramble the letters and make your own word.

Pg 78 and 79- Sound out each word and write.

Just Handwriting : 

Complete at your leisure

Please log onto Folensonline-

Type Reading Zone into the search bar. 

Select Reading Zone for Junior Infants. 

You should find the ebooks- Finn Jumps In!, Little Zack, Look Out Kitty!, No 

Finn! No! , Teddy Is Lost! and The Big Box. These books are great to help 

your child revise all the vocabulary from the Junior Infant readers.

Extra Reading Oxford readers are available in ebook form on the oxford owl website. You have to register on this site but at the moment some of the books are available to view for free. Start at Oxford Reading Tree level 1 and level 1+ (this is what I would be starting the class with if we were at school)

Continue on to the next level- level 2, if you feel your child is ready.

Tricky Words- 

Please find attached a sheet based on the Tricky words.

Tick the words your child knows.

Bingo- call out the word and ask your child to colour it in or cover it with a counter.

Pages 63  and 64

Complete other pages at your leisure.

Complete at your leisure

Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Starfall.com (some of the activities on this site are free to access)






Revision; Ceacht 5 Ócáidí Spéisialta, Breithlá ( Special Ocassion Birthday)

Busy at Maths 


Start at the beginning of the book and complete any pages that are unfinished.

Please find attached some activity sheets to help with maths revision.

Busy At Maths Home School Links -complete at your leisure ( if you have this book at home with you)

Bun Go Barr- This is available to view on the CJ Fallon website

Revise the vocabulary on pg 18 and 19 in Bun go Barr Bunchéim A

Cárta (card), cáca (cake), coinnle (candles), criospaí (crisps), fear an phoist (postman) criáin (candles), háta (hat), ispíní (sausages), brioscaí (biscuits), bainne (milk), balún (balloons), bronntanas (presents)





P.E   Please find attached some ideas to complete circuits while you are out playing in your garden. twinkl.co.uk

Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 15th June 2020 (Word Document)

fitness-challenge-cards (PDF File)

addition-up-to-5-worksheet (PDF File)

minibeasts-addition-up-to-5-worksheet (PDF File)

fruit-addition-up-to-5-worksheet (PDF File)

dinosaur-addition-up-to-5-worksheet (PDF File)

addition-up-to-5-worksheet (PDF File)

tricky words 1 to 20 (Word Document)



Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 8th June 2020


Dear Parents and Students,

I hope that you are all keeping well.

Once again, thank you to everyone for their emails and work samples.

It is great to see all the work you are doing! Well done!

Here is the work plan for this week.

If you would like to send me examples of your work or if you are finding anything difficult, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

 Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.


Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics






































Reading Zone Activity Book






Pre Reading Activity Book

Just Phonics :


Pages 72 and 73  (revision of middle sounds)

Pages 74 and 74 (revision – missing letters)


Just Handwriting :

Complete at your leisure



Please log onto Folensonline-

Type Reading Zone into the search bar.

Select Reading Zone for Junior Infants.

You should find the ebooks- Finn Jumps In!, Little Zack, Look Out Kitty!, No

Finn! No! , Teddy Is Lost! and The Big Box. These books are great to help

your child revise all the vocabulary from the Junior Infant readers.

Extra Reading Oxford readers are available in ebook form on the oxford owl website. You have to register on this site but at the moment some of the books are available to view for free. Start at Oxford Reading Tree level 1 and level 1+ (this is what I would be starting the class with if we were at school)

Continue on to the next level- level 2, if you feel your child is ready.




Tricky Words- .

Using the list I sent, continue practicing these words with your child.

Pick 5 more words from the list- ask your child to put each word into a sentence- give them an example if they find it difficult at first. (this is an oral language activity)

Practice writing the 5 words you have picked from the list.

Write short sentences for each of these 5 words, read them to your child, ask your child to read them after you. Point to a word in the sentence, ask your child what the word is. Get your child to copy and write the sentences in their copy or on a piece of paper.


61 to 62




Complete at your leisure

Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Starfall.com (some of the activities on this site are free to access)


























Vertical Addition

Analysis of Number


















Revision- Ar Scoil (at school) Ceacht 4 (lesson 4)

Busy at Maths pages 108 and 109




Place 4 lego bricks on a table in a vertical line. Place another lego brick to the right of this set.

As your child questions such as:

How many bricks are in the 1st/2nd set?

How many bricks are there altogether?

How many more bricks are in the bigger set?

What numeral will we write under the bigger/smaller set?

What do four and one make? (yes 4 and 1 make 5 or 1 and 4 make 5)


Use the same lego bricks to show the story of five- three and two make five, two and three make five, one and four make five, four and one make five, five and zero  make five, zero and five make five.


Busy At Maths Home School Links -complete at your leisure ( if you have this book at home with you)




Bun Go Barr- This is available to view on the CJ Fallon website

Revise the vocabulary on pg 14 and 15 in Bun go Barr Bunchéim A

Péint (paint), scuab (brush), páipéar (paper), ag péinteáil (painting), lón (lunch), mála scoile(school bag), leabhar (book), criáin (crayon),peann luaidhe(pencil), úll agus banana (apple and banana), ag caoineadh (crying), ag titim (falling)





S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental, Scientific Education) Project Work My Favourite Animal


Draw a picture of your favourite animal.

Look for some pictures of your favourite animal in old magazines/papers- cut them out and stick them onto some paper.

Find out 3 facts about your favourite animal such as

·         What your favourite animal likes to eat and drink.

·         Where your favourite animal lives and sleeps.

·         How many legs has your favourite animal, does it have a tail, does it have whiskers?

·         What sound does your favourite animal make?

Write a sentence about your favourite animal.







Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Tuesday 2nd June 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and got to enjoy the amazing weather! Thank you to everyone for all the emails, beautiful pictures and videos I received last week! It was so nice to hear from you all and to see the amazing activities you are doing!

I hope all of the sunflowers are beginning to grow! Don’t forget to water them!

Have a great week!

Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.


Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics






































Reading Zone Activity Book





Pre Reading Activity Book

Just Phonics :


Page 69 (revision of initial sounds)

Pages 70 and 71 (revision of final sounds)


Just Handwriting :

Complete at your leisure



Please log onto Folensonline-

Type Reading Zone into the search bar.

Select Reading Zone for Junior Infants.

You should find the ebooks- Finn Jumps In!, Little Zack, Look Out Kitty!, No

Finn! No! , Teddy Is Lost! and The Big Box. These books are great to help

your child revise all the vocabulary from the Junior Infant readers.

Extra Reading Oxford readers are available in ebook form on the oxford owl website. You have to register on this site but at the moment some of the books are available to view for free. Start at Oxford Reading Tree level 1 and level 1+ (this is what I would be starting the class with if we were at school)




Tricky Words- .

Using the list I sent, continue practicing these words with your child.

Pick 5 more words from the list- ask your child to put each word into a sentence- give them an example if they find it difficult at first. (this is an oral language activity)

Practice writing the 5 words you have picked from the list.

Write short sentences for each of these 5 words, read them to your child, ask your child to read them after you. Point to a word in the sentence, ask your child what the word is. Get your child to copy and write the sentences in their copy or on a piece of paper.




Pg 58 to 60




Complete at your leisure


Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Starfall.com (some of the activities on this site are free to access)














Number Before/After/Between











Revision- Sa Bhaile (at home)

Busy at Maths pages 121 and 122




Place numeral cards 0-5 on a table in random order- you can write the numerals on pieces of cardboard/paper/post-it notes. Ask your child to arrange the numbers in order from 0-5. Now ask him/her some of the following,

-which number comes just after 2/3/4, etc.?

-which number comes before 1/2/3, etc.?

-which number comes between 2 and 4? And so on.


Bun Go Barr- This is available to view on the CJ Fallon website

Revise the vocabulary on pg 10 and 11 in Bun go Barr Bunchéim A


Carr (car), rothar (bike), scátaí (skates), suí- sá (see- saw), ag gaire (laughing), ag caoineadh (crying), ag rothaíocht (cycling), ag scátáil (skating), teidí (teddy), seilide (snail), srón (nose), rón (seal)















S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental, Scientific Education) Garden/ nature hunts Summer


Please find attached some fun activities you can do with your child out in the garden or while you are out on a walk.



Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Tuesday 2nd June 2020 (Word Document)

scavenger-hunt-challenge-cards (PDF File)

Have a Scavenger Hunt Activity (PDF File)

Nature-walk-scavenger-hunt (PDF File)






Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 25 th May 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all keeping well.

Here is the work plan for the week ahead. As always, these are just some suggested
activities, so do what you can! Thank you to everyone who has sent me some emails and pictures of everything you have
been doing at home.

If you have any questions or need help with anything, please email me and let me know.
Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.

Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 25th May 2020 (Word Document)

Summer Dot to Dot Activity Sheet  (PDF File)

Outdoor-Maths-Trail-Cards  (PDF File)

animal-movements-gross-motor-activity-cards (PDF File)

 Ice-Cream-Cone-Craft-Instructions (PDF File)

 Paper-Plate-Sun-Craft-Instructions (PDF File)

 outdoor-activity-ideas-cards (PDF File)

 Hand-Print-Sunflowers-Craft-Instructions (PDF File)

winter-and-summer-clothes-sorting-activity (PDF File)

 Summer-Cutting-Skills-Activity-Sheet (PDF File)

 Summer-Read-and-Colour-Worksheet (PDF File)

Summer-Themed-Colour-by-Number (PDF File)

summerthemed-2d-shape-hunt-worksheet (PDF File)

 sailing-into-summer-art-activity-sheet (PDF File)



May 18th 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all keeping well.

Thank you to everyone who has been sending me pictures and keeping me updated on all the things you have been doing at home! It’s lovely to hear from you all!

Here is a work plan for the coming week! These are just suggestions, so do what you can!

I hope you are all keeping safe and doing lots to help out at home! Keep reading, keep playing and keep exercising!

I look forward to hearing from you all!

Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.



Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 18th May 2020 (Word Document)

2d-shape-posters-with-everyday-examples   (PDF File)

2d-shapes-firework-cut-out-matching-activity   (PDF File)

build-a-shape-dinosaur-activity    (PDF File)

summer themed-2d-shape-hunt-worksheet  (PDF File)

shape-pizza-colouring-activity  (PDF File)

repeating-pattern-activity-sheets-shapes   (PDF File)

magnetic-objects-activity-sheet   (PDF File)




Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Monday 11th May 2020

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend! The weeks are going by so fast! I’m sure you all enjoyed the amazing weather last week and spent plenty of time outdoors! Here is some work for the coming week. As always, these are just suggestions so take your time and do what you can! Thank you to everyone who has been in touch. I love hearing from you and seeing all the wonderful things you have been up to! I look forward to seeing some more of your great work!

Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.


Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics






































Reader : Splash
























Reading Zone Activity Book





Pre Reading Activity Book

Just Phonics :


Letter qu page 64 and 65


Just Handwriting :

Letter q pg 16

Revision: start on pg 10 and complete any unfinished work as far pg 12


Other activities:

Practice writing letters qu in sand, make qu out of playdough, write qu with chalk on a blackboard or outside.


Look for ‘qu’ words in your own story books at home.


Play ‘word tennis’- take it in turns with your child to list words beginning with a ‘qu’ sound. The game is over when a player cannot come up with another word.


Play ‘Odd One Out’- say a list of words beginning with the ‘qu’ sound, except one. Have your child identify the odd one out.


Call out letters and ask your child to write down the letters they hear. For example, call out letter s, letter s says ‘ssss’, and your child writes down the letter s on a piece of paper. This activity helps to revise the letter names, the sounds they make and also the correct formation of the letters.


Free writing: give your child some paper or a copy and get them to write letters, words, or draw pictures.


Splash: using the reader Splash, ask your child to pick their favourite page from the story. Ask your child to read their favourite page and then to pick a sentence and write it on a piece of paper. Make sure when your child is writing that they start with a capital letter, they keep all the small letters and all the tall letters the same size, that they keep a finger space between each word and each sentence finishes with a full stop.


Splash : Revision ; read pages 11 to 15

(If your child hasn’t this book home with them, it is available to view on the website folensonline.ie)

Ask your child to pick out certain words on each page, e.g. show me the word splashes, show me the word water etc.

Look at the pictures on each page, discuss the pictures, ask your child questions about what they see in the pictures. Looking at the pictures, play the game ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with…’

Extra Reading- Oxford readers are available in ebook form on the oxford owl website. You have to register on this site but at the moment some of the books are available to view for free. Start at Oxford Reading Tree level 1 and level 1+ (this is what I would be starting the class with if we were at school)


Tricky Words- please find attached the first 20 Tricky Words. These words are sight words and have to be learned. Print off the document and cut up the words into small flash cards or write the words onto card. Show each word to your child, say the word, ask your child to repeat the word. Play simple games to help your child  with these words e.g. place four words in a row, say each word with your child, ask your child to close their eyes, take a word away, ask your child to identify the word which is missing.

Practice writing these words.


Pg 48 to 50




If your child has this book at home please continue working through it. There are some nice pencil control and handwriting activities, spot the difference and complete the picture activities. There are also some nice stories and colouring activities to complete at you leisure.



Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Starfall.com (some of the activities on this site are free to access)

Maths Money Busy at Maths pages 118 to 120


Exposing your child to real coins is the best way to teach him/her money. There is nothing better than hands on experience



You will need 2 plates or containers and a selection of 1c coins.

For example, place 3 1c coins on one plate and 2 1c coins on the other plate.

Ask your child questions such as,

What is the total amount on the plate on the left?

What is the total amount on the plate on the right?

What is the total amount if we add the coins on the 2 plates altogether?


Combining coins can be confusing for children- make sure they look at the numeral on the coin before they add up each set. Sometimes drawing the correct amount of dots to match the numeral on the coin and then add up all the dots, helps some to grasp the concept of combining.


tricky words 1 to 20   (Word Document)

minibeast-hunt-cutting-skills-activity  (PDF File)

make-your-own-minibeast-hotel-outdoor-activity  (PDF File)

minibeasts-and-their-habitats-activity-sheet (PDF File)

minibeast-hunt-checklist (PDF File)



Junior Infants Work Plan Week Beginning Tuesday 5th May 2020


Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you are all keeping well and had a lovely Bank Holiday! Thank you to everyone who sent me some beautiful pictures and examples of the work you have been doing at home! It’s lovely to hear from you! Here is some work and activities for this week coming. As always, these are just suggested activities, so take your time and do what you can! Keep reading, go outside, enjoy playing with your toys and help out at home!

Take care,

Deirdre Brennan.


Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics
























Reader : Splash










Reading Zone Activity Book





Pre Reading Activity Book

Just Phonics :


Revision: pg 48 and 49 revision of letters g, b, f, u, l, o and t


Just Handwriting : Revision: start on pg 6 (letter c) and complete any unfinished work as far as letter o on  pg 9


Other activities:

Call out letters and ask your child to write down the letters they hear. For example, call out letter s, letter s says ‘ssss’, and your child writes down the letter s on a piece of paper. This activity helps to revise the letter names, the sounds they make and also the correct formation of the letters.


Free writing: give your child some paper or a copy and get them to write letters, words, or draw pictures.


Splash: using the reader Splash, ask your child to pick their favourite page from the story. Ask your child to read their favourite page and then to pick a sentence and write it on a piece of paper. Make sure when your child is writing that they start with a capital letter, they keep all the small letters and all the tall letters the same size, that they keep a finger space between each word and each sentence finishes with a full stop.


Splash : Revision ; read pages 1 to 10

(If your child hasn’t this book home with them, it is available to view on the website folensonline.ie)

Ask your child to pick out certain words on each page, e.g. show me the word splashes, show me the word water etc.

Look at the pictures on each page, discuss the pictures, ask your child questions about what they see in the pictures. Looking at the pictures, play the game ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with…’



Pg 45 and 46



If your child has this book at home please continue working through it. There are some nice pencil control and handwriting activities, spot the difference and complete the picture activities. There are also some nice stories and colouring activities to complete at you leisure.



Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Starfall.com (some of the activities on this site are free to access)

Maths Money Busy at Maths pages 115 and 116


Exposing your child to real coins is the best way to teach him/her money. There is nothing better than hands on experience

Page 115- this page deals with adding amounts of money in boxes up to totals of 5c

Page 116- this page deals with a shopping activity involving amounts with totals up to 5c

S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental, Scientific Education) The Life Cycle of the Butterfly Please see attached activities based on the Life Cycle of the Butterfly


Please look at the eBook, The Story of the Cautious Caterpillar. It is available to view on twinkl.co.uk.



How-to-Draw-a-Butterfly-Activity-Sheet      (PDF File)

The-cautious-caterpillar-life-cycle-of-a-butterfly      (Powerpoint File)

Butterfly-outline-coloring-activity      (PDF File)

The-cautious-caterpillar-codys-butterfly-cupcake-recipe      (PDF File)

The Cautious Caterpillar Beautiful Butterfly Craft Instructions      (PDF File)



Junior Infants work plan week beginning Monday 27th April 2020

Dear Parents and students,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the beautiful weather last week! Thank you to everyone who sent me some beautiful pictures of the work you have been doing! It was lovely to see them! Keep up the great work! You are all doing a fantastic job and I’m very proud of you all! Here is some work and suggested activities for next week! Remember it is important to keep reading and to practice your sounds and handwriting. Please make sure to go outside, play with your toys, jigsaws, lego and games. Help your parents and most important keep safe!
I miss you all!
Take care,
 Deirdre Brennan.
Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics: Letter x












Reader : Splash












Reading Zone Activity Book

Just Phonics : pages 62(based on letter x)


Revision: pg 32 (match each sound to the correct picture).

Pg 33 (ring the correct sound for each picture)

Pg 50 (read each word and colour the correct picture)


Just Handwriting : pages 60 and 61  (based on letter x )


Other activities:

Make letter x out of play dough.

Write letter x in sand.

If you have chalk, write letter x outside on the ground (if you’re allowed!!)

Paint letter x


Free writing: give your child some paper or a copy and get them to write letters, words, or draw pictures.


Splash : read pages 21-24

(If your child hasn’t this book home with them, it is available to view on the website folensonline.ie)

Ask your child to pick out certain words on each page, e.g. show me the word splashes, show me the word water etc.

Look at the pictures on each page, discuss the pictures, ask your child questions about what they see in the pictures. Looking at the pictures, play the game ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with…’


Pg 44






Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Maths Money Busy at Maths pages 113 to 114


Exposing your child to real coins is the best way to teach him/her money. There is nothing better than hands on experience

Suggested activities

Activity 1- Matching Coins

Collect as many 1c, 2c, and 5c coins as you can. Place them in a pile in the centre of the table. Give your child 3 boxes/cups/plastic cups etc. using post-it notes label one box 1c, another box 2c and the last box 5c. ak your child to sort the coins into the correct boxes.

Activity 2- The feely Bag

Place some 1c, 2c, and 5c coins into a bag. You and your child should not be able to see the coins. Ask him/her to feel about in the bag and pick a coin. S/he must guess what value each coin is before placing it in the correct box as used in activity 1.

Activity 3- Shopping

Set up a small shop. Label some items with 1c, 2c, and 5c price tags. Give your child a selection of coins. They must give you the correct coin for the item they buy in the shop!


S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental, Scientific Education) Water – floating and sinking Floating and sinking- Children can have a fun learning experience at a water table/sink/ basin, floating and sinking objects.


Gather around a water table/ basin of water. Ask your child why do some things float/sink.

Explain to your child that whether an item floats or sinks depends on its density- how tightly packed together the material inside it is. A boat is very heavy but hollow, so it is not dense and can float. A marble is small and dense so it sinks.

Using the attached worksheet, have your child predict what will happen when you put an item in the water and then try it out!


float-or-sink-cut-and-stick-activity-sheet     (PDF File)

float-or-sink-activity-sheet     (PDF File)





Junior Infants work plan week beginning Monday 20th April 2020

Dear Parents and students,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter and that you are keeping well!

Here is some work for the week ahead. Try your best to complete some of the activities.

If you have any questions or would like to send me some pictures of your work, send them to the email address provided. I would love to hear from you and see some of the things you have been doing!

Remember to keep reading, practice your writing and draw some pictures! Get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors! Play with your toys, make some jigsaws, create some lego masterpieces!

Help your parents with some jobs and most important take care and stay safe!

Deirdre Brennan.


Subject Topic Workbook Activities and Suggested Activities Websites
English Phonics: Letter y














Reader : Splash










Reading Zone Activity Book

Just Phonics : pages 60 and 61 (based on letter y)



Just Handwriting : pages 22 and 23  (based on letter y )


Other activities:

Make letter y out of play dough.

Write letter y in sand.

Look through old magazines and cut out pictures of objects beginning with letter y.

Find objects in your house beginning with letter y.

Free writing: give your child some paper or a copy and get them to write letters, words, or draw pictures.


Splash : read pages 16 to 20

(If your child hasn’t this book home with them, it is available to view on the website folensonline.ie)

Ask your child to pick out certain words on each page, e.g. show me the word splashes, show me the word water etc.

Look at the pictures on each page, discuss the pictures, ask your child questions about what they see in the pictures. Looking at the pictures, play the game ‘I spy with my little eye something beginning with…’


Complete pages 30-33






Jolly Phonics Lessons (free app)-useful for letter sounds.




Maths Capacity Busy at Maths pages 96 to 98


The best and most effective way to teach capacity is to allow your child fill and empty a range of containers that are to hand in the home. This can be done while working/cooking in the kitchen or at bath time. Use the mathematical language associated with capacity- How much? How much more is needed? Full/empty, holds more/holds less.

Suggested activities

Give your child a number of bottles/ containers of different sizes. Get them to put them in order of size, ask them which they think will hold more/ less. Fill these containers with water. Using a measuring jug, pour the contents of each container into the jug and mark it. Compare each measurement to see if the children were right in their estimations.


Encourage your child to collect a selection of containers i.e. eggcup,  bowl, cup, saucepan, bucket.

Encourage your child to estimate how much water each container might hold i.e. How many cups of water does the saucepan hold, how many cups of water does the bucket hold? How many eggcups will I need to fill the cup. This activity can also be completed using sand if you want to take it outdoors!

S.E.S.E (Social, Environmental, Scientific Education) Water Identify and discuss all the uses we have for water, for example, drinking, cleaning, watering plants, animals drink water, fish live in water.


Draw a picture of your favourite water activity e.g. swimming, fishing, jumping in puddles etc.

See attached folder for activities based on water


water poster     (PDF File)

Uses-of-water-activity-sheet     (PDF File)

Water poster instructions     (PDF File)

Water-conservation-poster-irish    (PDF File)







Junior Infants work plan week beginning Monday 30th March 2020

Dear Parents and students,

I hope you are all keeping well and safe!

There is some work and activities on the links below that you can be doing at home to keep up to date with what we would be covering if we were in our classroom!


Take your time, don’t worry if you don’t get everything completed!

Make sure you are getting some fresh air, do some jigsaws, draw some pictures, play with your toys and help out with some jobs at home!

It is important to keep reading and I look forward to hearing about some of the stories and books you have looked at when I see you again in school!

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter and don’t eat too much chocolate!

Take care and keep safe!

Deirdre Brennan.

Junior Infants work week beginning 30th March 2020 (Word Document)

Space Word Mat Without Pluto (PDF File)


Back-to-earth-with-a-bump-colouring-pages (PDF File)

Space-playdough-mat (PDF File)

Split-Pin-Astronaut_Activity Sheet (PDF File)