Confirmation and First Holy Communion

In recent weeks I have sent our messages Video messages to children preparing for Confirmation and for First Holy Communion. I wanted to encourage them to keep up their preparation and their prayer and this is still my message.

Boys and Girls, your Confirmation and your First Holy Communion will come but it looks like it is going to take a bit longer than we hoped to get this virus under control. It would not be fair to make any promise about dates, because we should never makes promises that we can’t keep. But I can promise you that it will happen and that I will not forget about you.

If there can be no public Mass until July 20th and if schools are remaining closed until the beginning of September, I think we have to say that we can’t expect to celebrate Confirmation or First Holy Communion until at least the middle of September at the earliest. I know that is a big disappointment to you but I’m sure you understand that lots of people are having disappointments these days and lots of people are sick. So I am asking you to be patient and this is how you can play your part to keep everybody safe.

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