Cows Heart

Today Mr Duffy got Avah, Ella, Cormac and Kristina to blow up two balloons each one to what they think the size of a cow’s heart would be and the other to what their own heart would be.

We then brought the cows heart in. Amy, Josh, Faith and Fionn were the first to feel the heart before Mr Duffy dissected it. The outer wall of the heart looked and felt like raw meat but once you got to the top of the heart the fat on the heart was tinted yellow and solid.

Once Mr Duffy cut the heart open we could distinguish between the left wall and the right wall as the right wall was thinner than the left. He showed us the left ventricle and the right ventricle, he also showed us the pulmonary valve. We were also able to see all the ligament’s veins and vena cava. When Mr Duffy had finished we all got to go up and feel the heart again, we were able to put our fingers through the vena cava and feel the ligament’s they felt like fishing wire, but most of it felt like raw meat.



















By Faith Lowe